Call for Papers: Role of the State in Latin America and the Caribbean: ideology, public policies and outcomes

7th ECPR General Conference: Sciences Po, Bordeaux

4th - 7th September 2013

Fecha límite de envío de propuestas: 1 de febrero, 2013

Los invitamos a presentar una propuesta de comunicación para el Panel: "Role of the State in Latin America and the Caribbean: ideology, public policies and outcomes", que forma parte de la Sección "Latin American Politics" de la Conferencia General del ECPR en 2013 (Burdeos, 5 hasta 7 septiembre 2013).

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PANEL: Role of the State in Latin America and the Caribbean: ideology, public policies and outcomes

As was pointed in the Social Panorama of Latin America 2011 (ECLAC, 2011) poverty and inequality are decreasing in the region. One of the main reasons for this reduction is the increasing public transfers to the most vulnerable sectors as well as the rising labor income. But still there are more than 170 million people that live on poverty, there is still little social mobility, and the gaps between the richest and the poorest are still not acceptable. Nowadays there is an ideological confrontation in terms of the correct degree of state intervention and between the continuity of targeted policies or the implementation of a more universal State in order to satisfy the needs of the population.

What has been the role of State in Latin America and the Caribbean in recent decades? What is, and/or has been the scope of the public policies in the region? Has there been any ideological shift with the arrival of the XXI century on the role of the State in the region? What are the challenges faced by States in the beginnings of the bicentenary? These and other issues are going to be addressed in this panel, among which would be considered: the state-market relationship, state design, ideological differences and outcomes between countries and regions. Papers should develop, ideally, a comparative analysis (or case studies parallel towards most of Latin American countries). Theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.

Panel Chairs: Gibrán Cruz-Martínez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Manuel Sanchez de Dios (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

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