CfP- Revista Przegląd Europejski – European Studies Quarterly

Editors of Przegląd Europejski – European Studies Quarterly would like to invite you to submit your papers for the special issues which will be published in 2025
A Decade (and two legislative terms) of Turmoil and Resilience in European Union (2019-2029): Challenges, Changes and Continuities
Guest Editors: prof. Ana Paula Lamoso González (Universidad Loyola, Sevilla, Spain)
Since the early 2000s, the European Union (EU) has gone through a series of profound crises, shaping the trajectory of its integration and policy-making processes. The financial turmoil of 2008, the migration upheavals in 2015, and the pivotal moment of Brexit in 2016 have each tested the resilience and adaptability of the Union. Amidst these challenges, the Ursula von der Leyen European Commission has confronted additional, unprecedented difficulties: the global pandemic outbreak in 2020 and the geopolitical reverberations of the situation in Ukraine in 2022 epitomise the intricate tapestry of regional and international dilemmas facing the EU.
These crises have far-reaching implications, heralding shifts in geopolitics, reshaping enlargement and neighbourhood policies, intensifying debates around migration and border security, propelling climate change and environmental initiatives to the forefront, emphasising defence strategies, and underscoring the need for economic unity and cohesion. The entanglement of these challenges does not merely influence the EU's internal framework but also defines its role and stance on the global stage.
Addressing this complex array of issues necessitates a comprehensive, multifaceted approach, which adeptly combines immediate tactical responses with a visionary, long-term strategic outlook.
In light of the intricate scenario outlined above, and with the forthcoming European legislative term (2024-2029) on the horizon, we invite submissions that delve into the above-mentioned challenges.
We are particularly interested in articles (in English and Polish) that offer insightful reflections on geopolitical dynamics, EU enlargement and its neighbourhood policy, the complexities of migration and border governance, the pressing issue of climate change and environmental sustainability, defence strategies, and the pursuit of economic cohesion within the EU.
We encourage contributions that not only analyse these issues but also critically evaluate the EU's strategies and initiatives aimed at solving them. Your articles will contribute to a nuanced understanding of how the EU navigates these challenges, shaping own future and the role on the global stage.
All Authors interested in contributing to this issue of Przegląd Europejski – European Studies Quarterly are kindly requested to send full papers to the journal's e-mail address ( by October 31, 2024.
Przegląd Europejski – European Studies Quarterly is a scientificopen accessjournal published since 2000 bytheFaculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. The quarterly publishes mainly original peer-reviewed scientific articles.
The journal publishes among other research results in political sciences and administration, law, international relations, economics, sociology, and broadly defined European studies. Our primary goal is to deepen the scientific discourse in the theoretical sphere as well as to present the methodological perspectives useful for European studies. Furthermore, published articles and research reports take into account local and regional perspectives, due to their authors’ in-depth knowledge of the historical, social, legal or cultural context. The journal is indexed in the following databases: ERIH+, CEEOL, DOAJ, EBSCO, Crossref, IndexCopernicus, Cejsh, Bazekon, CEON.
We strongly urge all Authors, before submitting texts, to visit journal’s website and read the guidelines and requirements for the articles and for precise instructions regarding submissions:
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