Dos seminarios RECSM: ''Elite Polarization on Immigration' y ´State of democracy''

RECSM Research Seminar Monday 27th March:
How do individuals respond to elite polarization on immigration? Evidence from European countries.
By Alina Vrânceanu, María Zambrano Research Fellow at RECSM and the Department of Political and Social Sciences, UPF.
27th March, 2023
13 - 14.00
Room 23.103 in the Mercè Rodoreda building
In person and online
RECSM Research Seminar Wednesday 26th April:
The State of Democracy: Do People agree with Experts' Judgement?
By Claire Durand, Professor, Department of Sociology, Université de Montréal, visiting professor at RECSM.
26th April, 2023
13 - 14.00
Room 24.104 in the Mercè Rodoreda building
In person and online.
Please register at: