La implementación de las políticas de igualdad en las universidades españolas: alianzas y oposiciones en medidas contra el acoso sexual y sexista

Autor principal:
Emanuela Lombardo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
MARÍA BUSTELO RUESTA (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Sesión 3, Sesión 3
Día: miércoles, 10 de julio de 2019
Hora: 16:00 a 17:45
Lugar: Aula 003A

Following the EU structural gender change approach in research institutions, gender equality policies have been adopted in European universities. To what extent are they implemented? We explore this question in the case of Spain, a country in whichthe legal mandate has promoted the mainstreaming of gender equality in the university system. As a result, equality units have been established in universities and policy measures such as equality plans and protocols against sexual harassment have been adopted. But w​hat ​is the implementation of adopted gender+ equality ​policy measures within ​​Spanish universities? ​What resisting and facilitating ​factors, actors, and framings, hinder and promote the implementation of gender+ equality policies in university​?​  This paper analyses the implementation of gender+ equality policies in the biggest Spanish university, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, focusing on the ‘Protocol against sexual and sexist harassment’. Drawing on theories from feminist institutionalism, policy implementation, and resistance/opposition to gender+ equality initiatives, we explore the role of institutions, actors, and framing in implementation processes. The methodology includes policy process tracing, content analysis, interviews, and a survey to the university community of more than 21000 respondents.We argue that the implementation of sexual (sexual-related behaviours) and sexist (gender-discrimination behaviours) harassment measures experienced less overt opposition than general equality policies, due to the public legitimation of sexual violence issues; yet, it presents more covert resistances to the concept of sexist rather than sexual harassment because the former is a new public problem and addresses more invisible dynamics.

Palabras clave: Implementación, políticas de igualdad, universidad, España