La Unión Europea y las políticas de promoción democrática como mecanismos de socialización internacional en Túnez. Un caso de estudio con dos grupos de mujeres (2011-2014)

Autor principal:
Lucía Ferreiro Prado (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Sesión 1
Día: miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015
Hora: 09:00 a 11:30
Lugar: Aula 19

The following paper delves into the EU bottom-up promotion of democratic principles in civil society women’s associations in Tunisia during the transition process (2011-2014). Is socialization of democratic principles taking place? To answer this question, first, I look at the promotion of different concepts the EU is trying to instill in civil society (democracy, citizenship, civil society and gender equality). Secondly, I look at the criteria the EU uses to select the associations it finances. Lastly, it explores the agents conceptualization of those same ideas to see whether inconsistencies between donor and recipient can be found. The aim is to see if organizations are being socialized as a consequence of this promotion. This is done by looking at the attachment and investment associations make of the values they defend.

The study has followed a qualitative methodology based on twenty-five in-depth interviews and observation.

Results shed light into increased attachment and investment in democratic principles since 2011. It also shows important inconsistencies within the organizational structure with regards to gender equality. When socialization does happen, it happens with novice members through a mechanism of persuasion.

Palabras clave: Unión Europea, políticas de promoción democrática, sociedad civil, feminismo