Los procesos de acogida e integración social de solicitantes y beneficiarios de protección internacional en la sociedad española

Autor principal:
Juan Iglesias Martínez
Cecilia Estrada Villaseñor (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas)
Sesión 2
Día: jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017
Hora: 11:00 a 13:00
Lugar: Aula 0.1.

The objective of this proposal is to introduce the subject of social and labour incorporation of asylum seekers and refugees in the Spanish context. The proposal is based on current research of the subject, carried out by the Chair of Forced Migration and Refugee of the University of Comillas (Madrid) and the University of Deusto (Bilbao). This Research is being conducted in five different regions of Spain, through qualitative research based on interviews with asylum seekers and refugees, and key informants from different institutions and organizations. The proposal would try to introduce the topic in three different points, starting from the lack of previous research of the matter in Spain. First, the document would begin by presenting the concept of social integration in the field of refugee studies, analysing their different definitions and dimensions. Second, a brief presentation on the state of the art of this field in Spain will be carried out, analysing not only the characteristics of the reception system in Spain - numbers of applicants and refugees, the design of social intervention, its main weaknesses, the role of the central Government, local administrations and NGO´s, etc. -, but also the process of social and labour integration of asylum seekers and refugees in the local community, once they have abandoned the reception system. The paper would introduce the main features of that socio-labour and sociocultural incorporation, along with the different factors that explain that specific situation. Then, the differences and similarities between the social integration of refugees and immigrant population will be presented, pointing out theirs positions within Spanish social structure. Finally, some conclusions will be presented, pointing out some of the political and social challenges that must be addressed in the future.

Palabras clave: acogida integración sistema políticas refugiados