Media Construction of the global Economic Crisis 2008 in Spain: begining and initial framing on the mainstream media.

Autor principal:
Miguel Álvarez Peralta (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Sesión 1
Día: jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013
Hora: 09:00 a 11:30
Lugar: E11SEM04

The present work analyzes the discourse fostered by the press in Spain when covering the ongoing Global Financial Crisis, in order to determine to which extent they accomplished their task of bringing available Economic knowledge to their readers in times of financial uncertainty. The confirmed working hypothesis is that media do a very different use of different sections, essentially using what we have called the “high impact area” of the journal (cover, first pages and main editorial articles) to promote their vision and set an agenda according to their interests, while they reserve the “lower impact areas” (inner sections) for a richer diversity of opinions and discussions. Indeed, while we find a number of warnings about the crisis long before it happened in the low impact areas, they very rarely reached the covers. Furthermore, this article explores both through quantitative and qualitative analytic methodologies, the major discursive strategies adopted by one of the main Spanish newspapers during the opening of the narratives of crisis, to conclude that they were framed through a scenario of chaos and huge global risk, often resorting to a tabloid style and avoiding analytical schemes, therefore adopting a strategy of fear in favor of the bailouts for ruined banks as the only possible solution.

Palabras clave: Global Financial Crisis, Mass Media, fear, narrativity