FEBRER/MARÇ - Cicle Seminaris Lliure accés al campus UAB (Edifici MRA)

01/02/2024 a les 13h sala de reunions de l'IGOP, MRA Pia Schrober (University of Tübingen) "Parental leave and day-care policy, take-up consequences and changing normative beliefs: Evidence from two survey experiments" -----------------
 14/02/2024 a les 12:30h sala de reunions de l'IGOP, MRA Pieter Vanhuysse (PhD, LSE) "Do low-fertility European societies tax their own reproduction?" -----------------

06/03/2024 a les 15h seminari A Facultat CCPP i Sociologia, UAB Zhija Tian (investigador pre-doctoral IGOP-UAB) Seminari del programa de doctorat PPIR
"A 25-year Systematic Review of Accountability Research in Asian Non-democratic Regime". / Discussant: Núria Font