GT 4.6 The rural-urban cleavage

Enrique Hernández Pérez (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Guillem Rico Camps (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Enrique Hernández Pérez (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Agustí Bosch Gardella (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)

Although political science has paid considerable attention to economic, religious and center-periphery cleavages, researchers have hardly addressed the rural-urban divide. Only in recent years has the rural-urban divide begun to spark the interest of comparative politics scholars. Recently, we have witnessed growing divides and tensions between the rural and urban areas of many advanced democracies. The rural-urban cleavage was evident in the United Kingdom during the 2016 Brexit referendum and the 2017 parliamentary elections. In Switzerland and Germany, support for right-wing populists is highest in rural areas, while the Yellow Vests protest movement in France draws mainly on political dissatisfaction among rural residents. The growing rural-urban divide manifest in European politics presents an interesting empirical regularity that requires further exploration and theoretical developments. We welcome papers that focus on the rural-urban cleavage from multiple perspectives. We especially encourage submissions that: (1) examine the attitudinal (satisfaction with democracy, trust in institutions and political leaders, political efficacy…) and behavioral differences between urban and rural dwellers; (2) analyze the potential causes of these divides between rural and urban areas; (3) introduce new empirical approaches to the measurement of the rural-urban cleavage; (4) elaborate on the relevance of rural/urban identity for the activation and politicization of this cleavage.

Sesión 7, Sesión 7
Día: viernes, 9 de julio de 2021
Hora: 09:00 a 10:45
Lugar: Online
Sesión 8, Sesión 8
Día: viernes, 9 de julio de 2021
Hora: 11:00 a 12:45
Lugar: Online
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